[44CON LONDON 2015 - Â Need to know!]
Dear *|FNAME|*,
Summer? it was a rainy bank holiday in London (surprise) - We cooked up the schedule and it's now being tweaked and polished. Please do check it and register here and mark the talks you want to see.
Note that the evenings are busy!
There will be a few films - the highlight being the Blue Ray director's cut of Blade Runner on Thursday night. The AV team have assured us of a sound system that would make Vangelis cry.
We loved it at the ILEC last year, we are back there this year:
ILEC Conference Centre
47 Lillie Road,
London, SW6 1UD
Wednesday Community Evening
Wednesday brings the Community Evening 'soft opening' of 44CON LONDON 2015. Registration will start from 6pm. With a few talks and things to do it will be a great networking evening. MWR are providing some sponsorship for the bar for those that arrive early.
Note: if you have bought a ticket for the conference, entry to the Wednesday Community Evening is included.
If you have not, entry on Wednesday evening is free but you need to register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/44con-london-2015-community-event-tickets-18071445179
44CON LONDON 2015 - Thursday and Friday
On Thursday, we have a full day of talks and workshops, then here's a break to go refuel before the Evening Session and the bar open til late. Registration will start from 8:30am (you will be able to come in without queuing if you have registered on Wednesday evening). Thursday evening will be open only to people with a full ticket for the conference, please get yours here.
On Thursday night, there will be more talks, Jerry's pub quiz, 2 films, and an extended 'Internet of Things' workshop. You will have the opportunity to learn how to break various things provided by Ken Munro. A washing machine has been ordered and there will be consumer electronic things to play with as well. Here's the full menu for that evening workshop:
- 101 logic probing
- Vulnerable device playing (scales, cameras, routers & things)
- 102 firmware analysis + extraction
- mobile app decompilation
Antipode will again be providing the Coffee - remember to talk to the sponsors to get your coffee vouchers.
Some of the workshops require that you bring some kit & knowledge.
Angel' Reversing C++ workshop:
- Understand C and x86 Assembly
- Have a Windows XP or higher VM
- Have a free, license, or demo version of IDA Pro
- Have a version of Microsoft's Visual Studio
- A laptop that can boot an Ubuntu USB drive
- The workshop will be mostly hands-on
- Kits will be available for sale at the registration desk, purchase one to guarantee your place as these will be limited
And Finally...
Big thank you to all our sponsors!
And most importantly of all, we want you to have a fun and friendly time at our conference. If you need anything, have a problem or just want a chat, talk to our crew and we'll try to sort it out.
For your diaries: 44CON Cyber Security will be held on Tuesday April 26th 2016 at the ILEC Conference centre.
Hope to see you next Wednesday for the Community evening!
The 44CON crew.
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