[44Con-announce] 44Con Newsletter
Chip and Pin, Two New Talks and ConCluster@44Con!
As we get closer to the main event we're going to increase the volume of mails to a more regular basis. If it gets too much, please let us know. Also, there was a typo in the last letter - the MWR Labs CTF is back, not CFP. Thanks for spotting it!
What's the worst that could happen to a Chip and Pin Terminal?
Fire? Submersion in water? It's secure, they said. It's unbreakable they said. We'll never let Nils anywhere near one they said. Watch this video to see what happens when MWR's Nils met a Chip and PIN machine and get a wee taster of the talk. One major UK high street retailer's CISO asked whether or not they needed to be worried about this. We think yes. Do you?
Two new talks including a new crypto attack on Enigma!
Sadly a couple of our speakers had to drop out. This means that unfortunately you won't hear Stephen DeVries' talk on BDD Security or Jussi's Preparing for Fire and Preventing it. Don't be sad though, because we have two new talks to announce! First up is Michael Viscuso's "Surveillance cameras. The real-world has them everywhere, why not your computer?", another great defence-oriented talk that security managers won't be able to afford to miss. Whether you've had a breach or are preparing for one, this is a must-see talk. Our second talk is from Robert Weiss and Ben Gatti, who will demonstrate the first publicly known ciphertext only software cryptographic attack on an Enigma machine. Previous Enigma attacks used known plaintext or were reliable only up to a number of steckers lower than that used by the Germans. If you like your cryptography, you will love this talk. As with all technical 44Con talks, we encourage our speakers to go as deep down the rabbit hole as they can, so make sure you keep up!
ConCluster @44Con - Can you spare a clock cycle?
At this year's 44Con we're teaming up with everyone's favourite password cracking heroes, Elcomsoft to provide free versions of their internationally known distributed password recovery software. It'll be included on the USB key and if you install it at 44Con, please point your agent at the Elcomsoft CTF server who'll diligently allocate your spare CPU and GPU cycles to those needing help with the 44Con MWR Labs CTF! We're hoping to build the biggest cracking cluster seen at a security conference, so spare a cycle if you can!
Kind Regards,
Adrian and Steve
Organisers, 44Con 2012
As we get closer to the main event we're going to increase the volume of mails to a more regular basis. If it gets too much, please let us know. Also, there was a typo in the last letter - the MWR Labs CTF is back, not CFP. Thanks for spotting it!
What's the worst that could happen to a Chip and Pin Terminal?
Fire? Submersion in water? It's secure, they said. It's unbreakable they said. We'll never let Nils anywhere near one they said. Watch this video to see what happens when MWR's Nils met a Chip and PIN machine and get a wee taster of the talk. One major UK high street retailer's CISO asked whether or not they needed to be worried about this. We think yes. Do you?
Two new talks including a new crypto attack on Enigma!
Sadly a couple of our speakers had to drop out. This means that unfortunately you won't hear Stephen DeVries' talk on BDD Security or Jussi's Preparing for Fire and Preventing it. Don't be sad though, because we have two new talks to announce! First up is Michael Viscuso's "Surveillance cameras. The real-world has them everywhere, why not your computer?", another great defence-oriented talk that security managers won't be able to afford to miss. Whether you've had a breach or are preparing for one, this is a must-see talk. Our second talk is from Robert Weiss and Ben Gatti, who will demonstrate the first publicly known ciphertext only software cryptographic attack on an Enigma machine. Previous Enigma attacks used known plaintext or were reliable only up to a number of steckers lower than that used by the Germans. If you like your cryptography, you will love this talk. As with all technical 44Con talks, we encourage our speakers to go as deep down the rabbit hole as they can, so make sure you keep up!
ConCluster @44Con - Can you spare a clock cycle?
At this year's 44Con we're teaming up with everyone's favourite password cracking heroes, Elcomsoft to provide free versions of their internationally known distributed password recovery software. It'll be included on the USB key and if you install it at 44Con, please point your agent at the Elcomsoft CTF server who'll diligently allocate your spare CPU and GPU cycles to those needing help with the 44Con MWR Labs CTF! We're hoping to build the biggest cracking cluster seen at a security conference, so spare a cycle if you can!
Kind Regards,
Adrian and Steve
Organisers, 44Con 2012
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