We are delighted to tell you more about the 44CON 2022 event.
First of all — for everyone’s safety — we are going to have air filtering systems from 4th Wave Technology. They are the UK Partner of Radic8 who have proved technology that kills all viruses and bacteria that pass through the systems.
The aim is that we will change the air in excess of 20 times an hour, way higher than the eight times an hour recommended to reduce Covid.
We don’t know if any variant(s) of Omicron will be out in force in September so we are fully in support of face mask wearing at the event — face to face talking is the only thing where the units can’t protect you from someone who is positive.
We will have a CTF running throughout the event for attendees. Trace Labs are a worldwide team teaching people how to use open source intelligence techniques _quickly_ to find missing people.
Trace Labs has run OSINT Search Parties internationally, bringing together thousands of skilled investigators, hackers and enthusiasts to help find missing persons.
On Thursday night we will have Threat Condition in Track 1. Threat Condition is a cyber crisis game that highlights the internal and external communication aspects of a reputationally damaging cyber attack. The game is played by teams of players interacting dynamically as they collectively consider what to do about an emerging crisis based on an amalgam of real-world case studies.
The coffee and bar will be from our friends at Antipode and there will be changes in this area to ensure it is far less crowded at the serving point.
The CFP is still open. Check here and submit a talk or workshop.
We are delighted to welcome back Thinkst and in particular Haroon Meer who was the first speaker at the first 44CON in 2011. He will be speaking at this 44CON, the 10 th anniversary.
More sponsors are to be announced. If you are interested to sponsor please email sponsors@44con.com now, we still have spots left.
It will be a very different event. In some respects it will be more like the first event reworked. We will have a talking track and workshop tracks.
We hope to see you there!