[44CON] All about the free community evening
The 44CON Community evening is a free Wednesday night event that is open to all (registration required). Main event tickets include access to the community evening. If you're not coming to the main event you can register for a
community evening ticket here.
What To Expect
Doors open at 6pm, and at 6:30pm we'll have a brief welcome and intro before we start with some talks in track one. We have two talks on for the evening, which we know you're going to love.
Nicky Bloor: BaRMIe – Poking Java’s Back Door
Java’s Remote Method Invocation (RMI) enables developers to seamlessly interact with objects that reside within another Java Virtual Machine (JVM), potentially on a remote server. As is often the case, the trade-off for seamless remote method invocation is security. While many consider RMI to be outdated and uninteresting, many in-service implementations remain trivial to exploit, and there are many questions to consider. How common is RMI? How many RMI services are making the same mistakes when it comes to security? What else could I do with arbitrary RMI services? Can RMI services be secured, and if so, how?
I set about finding answers to those questions. Along the way I wrote a tool to help with enumeration of RMI services, called BaRMIe, which eventually became an exploitation tool following the discovery of vulnerabilities within Java itself.
During this talk I’ll look at the work I did and present the results of my research including answers to my original questions and the exploitation tool I wrote, BaRMIe.
Alex Plaskett and James Loureiro: Biting the Apple that feeds you – macOS Kernel Fuzzing
This talk details the use of MWR’s platform agnostic kernel fuzzing techniques to automatically identify critical flaws within Apple macOS.
This talk will focus on how the researchers approached developing fuzzing automation to test the core subsystems of the XNU kernel and the insights gained, and also highlight architectural differences between other supported platforms which had to be addressed during this work.
The old adage of ‘different fuzzers find different bugs’ will also be explored, as we looked into the effectiveness of using targeted fuzzing for specific components considered most likely to yield vulnerabilities.
An in-memory fuzzer based on a combination of static and dynamic analysis was also constructed to target these components with the aim to achieve greater code coverage, efficiency and to allow attacks on other privileged components within macOS via IPC.
Finally we will discuss the issues discovered by the fuzzers and highlight future improvements which could be made to the tooling going forward to increase coverage and effectiveness.
Various tools used during the research will be released after the talk.
Olivier Bilodeau will also run a CTF 101 workshop . This workshop is a deep-dive into Capture-The-Flag (CTF) competitions for CTF first timers. It will introduce CTFs and then assist both teams and individuals prepare for them and evolve their applied cybersecurity skills in the process.
The workshop will have various levels (easy, medium, hard) of CTF challenges in several categories (binaries, Web, crypto) and hints and solutions will be provided during the workshop.
Want to see who's speaking at the main event? Check the links below.
Open Mic
We're also running Open Mic slots after the main talks in track 1. Hosted by our CFP-wrangler Aidan Mitchell, each slot is 10 minutes for your talk, and 2 minutes for Q&A. Sign up to speak at reception, and the best talk will get a prize from Aidan. Expect the ranting to become less coherent as the night goes on.
Want To Sponsor?
If you, or anyone you know, would like to sponsor 44CON, the best thing to do is get in touch at sponsors@44con.com , and the wonderful Emma will take care of you from there.
Training Still Available
From getting more out of Burp Suite to low level cellular network hacking, we have a ton of awesome courses available either with or without tickets from the shop . Our courses are approaching their cancellation cut-off points. Book now to avoid disappointment!
To find out more about 44CON, visit https://44con.com/ , follow us on twitter @44CON , or use the #44CON hashtag and join the discussion on Twitter.