[44CON] 44CON's Free open evening info
We're almost there with a week to go. Tickets for the event and training are still available, but space is limited.
Every year we run a free open Wednesday evening event to kick off 44CON. If you have a 44CON ticket, you can just turn up with your ticket. If you don't, you'll need to register here but it's free to attend. This year we have a ton of stuff happening, so come along and don't forget to bring colleagues and friends!
Doors open at 18:00, and our gold sponsors HackerOne will be handing out welcome beers to those that want them from their stand in the main hall. At 18:30, Steve will kick things off with Daphine from Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank and a little help from HackerOne's Tiffany Long. Then it's straight into 5 talks and 3 workshops, one of the most tightly packed open evenings we've ever run!
A Quick Word About UK Food Poverty
This year we've founded an initiative dedicated to fighting UK food poverty, and we need your help. Hacking For Foodbanks is an initiative working in support of the Trussell Trust and Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank to provide support and career opportunities in order to end inter-generational food poverty, one family at a time. If you'd like to help break the cycle of food poverty, or find out more we've written a blog post here .
Wednesday Evening Talks
This year we have 3 talks, all in track one. The full schedule is available here , but for those short on time and shorter on clicks:
Shubham Shah and Michael Gianarakis will be talking about ephemeral vulnerabilities in their talk - Catch Me If You Can: Ephemeral Vulnerabilities in Bug Bounties . Bug bounties are a big part of 44CON this year. Don't forget to have a chat with our sponsors HackerOne and Bugcrowd, both of whom will be there on the Wednesday night.
Philippe Arteau returns to 44CON for his talk - Kill All Humans... Bugs! : Machine Learning to the rescue of code review . Phillipe shares his insight in using Machine Learning to speed up triage in source code review, and shows how it could be applied to other types of security information.
Kev Sheldrake will be talking about using experimental extensions to implement drag and drop exploit coding using popular kids framework scratch in his talk - Exploits with Scratch . For those who get a kick out of this, Kev will be doing a workshop on Thursday afternoon with Tim Todd.
For those of you who are interested in exploiting Windows fundamentals, Enrique Nissim will be presenting a talk on abusing Windows' Kernel Mode Driver Framework. His talk - Reverse Engineering and Bug Hunting on KMDF Drivers - will be packed with info on how to reverse engineer KMDF drivers, and some hearty opinions on how it compares to the Windows Driver Model. If you're into privilege escalation, this is a talk to watch.
Julien Voisin and Thibault Koechlin will be talking about the impossible dream of securing PHP, and virtual patching in their talk - Security module for php7 – Killing bugclasses and virtual-patching the rest! Julien and Thibault will show you how to put this into practice in their workshop on Friday morning.
We have plenty of workshops going on for everyone starting with Saumil Shah 's ARM IoT Firmware Emulation Workshop . In this workshop, Saumil will show you how to build your own testing and debugging environment for analysing IoT firmware images.
Jay Harris will show us that Frida's not just for breaking Android in his workshop - Breaking (All) Applications With Frida . Here you'll learn how to use Frida to rapidly reverse engineer generic Linux applications. In particular expect to learn a lot about logic flow, dumping secrets and bypassing security controls.
At 20:45 Shubham Shah and Nathan Wakelam will be doing a short 1 hour workshop - Bug Bounties: An introduction and path way to winning at bug bounties . We're working on something a little special with HackerOne, which may or may not go ahead, so make sure you have a chat with them if you want to get started on bounty hunting.
And there's more!
As always, the bus bar will be open for networking and our sponsors will have plenty going on, so be sure to have a wander around, do some challenges and catch up with old friends. We've got some massive news about our CTF, but we're keeping it under wraps till the last minute!
To find out more about 44CON, visit https://44con.com/ , follow us on twitter @44CON , or use the #44CON hashtag and join the discussion on Twitter.