44CON 2024 Speaker Selection
With the exciting news that Neuromancer has selected the lead actors for a 2025 Apple TV+ release.. it’s a good chance to get our image of the books out before they change everyone’s perception.
Oh wait, this is to talk about more than Neuromancer.
This is about the content of 44CON 2024. It’s been a lot of work to bring this together. Thanks so much to the Speaker selection committee.
It was one of the biggest Call for Papers 44CON has ever had. The past years refining the system (thanks so much Haojun) meant this wasn’t a hugely painful project - the sheer number of submissions was the problem. Nice problem to have?
185 were reduced down, and down again, then the final selection was made. Speaker accepts went out, speaker stuff was returned and this means we can announce who is talking at 44CON 2024.
Talks from:
We’ve got some names from 10 years ago coming back, a couple of very highly rated speakers from last year but the vast majority of talks are from speakers new to 44CON. It’s a mix of Red, Blue and Purple talks and workshops.
- Alex Plaskett & McCaulay Hudson - Charging Ahead: Exploiting an EV Charger Controller at Pwn2Own 2024
- Dr Altaf Shaik (Dr 5G) - Unveiling the Ghosts of Mobile Networks: When Will Old Bugs Die?
- Eric Filiol - Implementing Secure Cryptography - Avoid and detect flaws and backdoors
- Eric Woodruff - UnOAuthorized: Privilege Escalation to Global Administrator and other unsavory things
- G Mark Hardy - will be opening with a talk about AI and Ethics
- John McIntosh - Reverse Engineering Patch Tuesday
- Josh Collyer - bin2ml: turning software binaries into machine learning ready training data
- Joxean Koret - Diaphora: a supervised learning based engine for binary diffing
- Katie Inns - HL7Magic: Medical Data Hacking Made Easy
- Luke Jennings - Threat Hunting in the Browser
- Matt Carroll - Unprivileged Containers: Shaving Yaks To Get the Toothpaste Back In the Tube
- Nick Roy
- Signedness.Org - Two fat men, one file system.
'Off the Record' aka Threat Condition
This is different, it's a Chatham House Rule sub event and the talks aren't known unless you are there...
We have workshops! Remember these are like mini training courses and are very very popular. This year you will need to sign up for them.
- Alexander Teague - Wired to Fail: The Circuitous Path of IoT Security
- John McIntosh - Everyday Ghidra - Windows Reverse Engineering - Pretending All Binaries Come with Source
- Joxean Koret - Binary Diffing with Diaphora
- Mathilde Venault - Trick-or-treat WinDbg: taming the Windows debugger
- Signedness.Org - Two Fat Men One Toolset
- Sina Kheirkhah - .NET Exploitation Workshop
Some speakers are doing workshops - they are vaguely related to their talks - extended Q&A or a toolset launch or a complimentary thing.
All the speaker and talk details will be up on our website in the next couple of days.
These training courses are confirmed to be running and almost full!
- Attacking and defending 5G cores (17–18 Sept 2024) with Dr Altaf Shaik (Dr 5G)
- Patch Diffing In The Dark (16–18 Sept 2024) with John McIntosh
Tick tock, Tick Tock
If you want to do the other courses we offer then you are running out of time.
If you want to get a hotel room with your ticket, you'd better hurry up, the rooms are almost gone...